Sunday, November 7, 2010


Bryan Hammitt
Web 2.0 Tools
Blog #5

Diigo Education

             Diigo Education is an extremely handy site. During our first Web 2.0 Research Blog assignment, I had looked this one up (wrote about a different site using video techniques) and have been using it since.  Diigo education is a site that will act as a ‘bookmark’ holder for either one individual or a community. 
            As a teaching staff, there are more than one of us that teach video classes and other technology education classes.  So I’ve created a community that we all belong to and have websites ‘tabbed’ there to view for us at various times throughout the quarter/semester.  They’re common sites that we all use, but rather than us all having to have the various sites bookmarked on our own computers, we can log into the Diigo site and find it. Creating the account is free and the search for the site you’re looking for is easy, as long as you’ve created keywords for it that are universally thought of amongst the group.
            I know how I’ve used it so far is just a smidgeon of what it’s capable of.  It can be used as to highlight text, write comments on a web page, organize ideas and resources, and do group-based collaboration with your students.  Available is the Diigo Educator’s Account.  Again, for free, this allows you to upgrade to have students’ accounts in a class set as a private group.  Also, sponsors and ads of these pages are limited to education-related businesses.
An additional way that I’m thinking of using it is to have my students create their own community.   From what I’ve read, it seems to be a private social networking page amongst our video class.  This will be safe place to have group bookmarks, a forum to communicate about various researched items, and hopefully help them to collaborate using new technology.

1 comment:

  1. Diigo is a great tool. Sometimes it feels like we are inundated with sooooooooo much technology that it is impossible to learn any of the software we have with any great depth, but such is the joy that is Fullsail. :)
